A page of Star Wars, Politics, Culture, video games, ideas, science, complaints, movies and humor. Not necessarily in that order. Updated whenever I have something to say, no sooner.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why 2012 is the end of the world after all.

To start, no, this is not about the "Supposed" Mayan prophecy. Based on everything I have seen and learned so far in 2011, it's my belief that 2012 will be the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of a whole new world.

2011 has already seen widespread revolutions in the Middle East - Egypt, Tunisa, Libya - and now it is beginning to happen in Syria. It is also beginning to happen in the United States and somewhat moderately in Canada.

The Middle East Revolutions, "Arab Spring", was about bringing freedom and democracy to the lands ruled over by tyrants with an iron fist. Now people are taking to the streets in American cities just like the Egyptian people did in Tahir Square. There is also unrest in China, Iran and North Korea (but neither government will acknowledge that). Coupled with the extreme amount of uncertainty and chaos in Europe with their financial crisis, it is only a matter of time.

I watched the Egyptian Revolution from day one. I have been watching the Occupy Wall Street movement since before it even started.

Now, I will admit that people in North America don't have it as bad as people in other nations, I will admit that freely.

After everything that has happened this year and as we enter the final quarter of 2011, it is my opinion that 2012 will be the year that the world falls. There is unrest everywhere. New York is a powderkeg. All it will take is an event the violence we all saw in England will pale in comparison. And one by one government around the world will fall. People have seen that if enough of them congregate together with a real belief in a progressive ideal, it will have an impact.

At the same time, Egypt is still in turmoil, Libya is barely holding together and the death toll of Syrian civilians is nearing 3,000. So I wouldn't call them complete successes just yet, but it is a start on the right path.

In North America the voting public are, en masse, rejecting right wing conservative politics in favour of either left or centerist politics, something that the right wing extremists are not happy about.

At this point, a global upheaval is invetable. There are only a few questions left to be answered:
1) Where will it start?
2) How will it start?

and, most importantly,

3) How will it end?

Only time will tell, but as I stand here, united with my progressive brothers and sisters around the world, one thing is for certain, this decade will be one that will change the world, and humanity, forever.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

NASA's New Rocket

If you haven't heard already, NASA announced today that they have a new vehicle in design, the DSES or Deep Space Exploration System (Though I think DSV - Deep Space Vehicle - sounds way better) that will ferry astronauts to the Moon and then to Mars. They say it is supposed to be able to carry around 130 metric tons. My theory is that that is based on current technology. Who knows where we'll be in six years, that number may just go up.


The rocket won't be ready until 2017 unfortunately, so we still have a ways to go. But not only is returning to the moon looking more feesable, but seeing a colony there in my lifetime is looking very possible.

I still say that NASA should not only work on this system, but an unmanned delivery vehicle. Sacrificing crew compartments for cargo space would be an easier way to make large deliveries to any future bases.

All in all, I'm glad to hear this annoucement. It's a step in the right direction. It could also foster international competition among the space agencies which could lead to better delivery systems.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Battlefield 3

My mind has been officially scattered all over the wall. I just watched the Battlefield 3 Caspian Border Multiplayer trailer and holy crap is it amazing. It once again proves how much of an edge EA and DICE has over Activision and Infinity Ward and their Call of Duty series.

If I were them, I'd start toning down the hype on MW3 cause there is no way they can match this. I might even have to rebuild my entire computer just to play BF3. Something I will do gladly.

Seriously, I nearly had a spaz attack when I watched this.

(on a side note, you shouldn't watch if you have epilepsy or are allergic to awesomesauce)
and Lolz @ 1:34. Watch and you'll see what I mean.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pure Disgust.

First off, thanks to Blag Hag for mentioning this.

I would also like to note that my personal preference about whether or not the WTC cross should or should not be put up has no impact on this blog. Those who know me know my position.

We all know that FOX News is the breeding ground on nonsensical crazy. That's just a plain fact. But after American Atheists Communications Director Blair Scott appeared to defend their lawsuit about how they believe the cross should not be put up without equal representation of all religions affected in the 9/11 tragedy, well, Christian extremists took to FOX News Facebook page with an outpouring of hate and rage as can be seen here.

Taking the step to suggest that they should be "Nailed to a cross in the manner that jesus was claimed to have been tortured, rammed through the chest with a spear in full public view". That's just not right!

This is not online commentary. This is inceitment of violence and threats of physical harm. I believe freedom of speech ends when harm is threatened. This goes beyond all that. This is people advocating and supporting that someone walk into the homes of the group's members with a 12-gauge shotgun.
Or advocating rape.
Point is, these are not people expressing personal opinions, they are expressing a desire for physical harm against another human being. For no other reason than a difference of opinion. Indeed this is where freedom of speech must bow down to rule of law. These people have made their desires clear.

Frankly, I am horribly disgusted. Cyber bullying is still a criminal act regardless if it is pointed at a specific person or a group of people.

While these people have had their full names provided to us, I urge restraint from going to their pages and harassing them. That's not the way to deal with this.

I do suggest, however, reporting a tip with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and if you feel the need, the U.S. Department of Education. Because their spelling and grammar are, after all, atrocious.

But seriously, a tip to the FBI would be a good start. Get these people on the grid. If they want to spew hatred, show them the cost.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Crime and Punishment

First off, my heart goes out to all those that have lost loved ones in Norway. That was unspeakably evil.

There is no question that Mr. Breivik is not only insane, but a product of years of right wing brainwashing. However, that is not what I'm going to be touching on.

Many people I have talked with have been saying that we should just kill him and be done with it. On the one hand, I agree. The man is a sociopath. No remorse, no guilt. He believes that he was right in doing what he did and he worked for years to achieve this goal. It sickens me, it hurts my heart in ways I didn't think possible.

In war, it is a matter of survival. Kill or be killed. That doesn't make it right, but it's less of a crime. But gunning down innocent civilians - CHILDREN - for that matter is an evil so vile that Satan himself must be shaking in his boots.

These days there seems to be very few ways to administer justice. Either execution or jail really. But does that work? Executions are easy, especially the more vile the person is. Jails these days are overcrowded and make people into worse criminals. It's easier for the legal system to just throw them in jail, but it doesn't actually do anything. Not in the grand scheme of things.

I say there are a few ways to go about it. Start small and creative. Make the punishment fit the crime. The aim isn't to toss them in jails for years upon years. The objective is to rehabilitate them and let them fit back into society. But that doesn't always work. Jail is for when a criminal cannot be rehabilitated, but at the same time, shows guilt and remorse for what they have done. If a criminal fits that category, then they should serve society. Put them to work doing hard, dangerous work until their sentence is finished.

If they don't show honest remorse or guilt, then they are of no use to society and on top of that, they are a dangerous threat. A person who is of no use to society has no need to be in a society. Like Mr. Breivik here, he shows no remorse, no guilt and is actually proud of what he did. Death is the best option for him. It will never bring back the dead, but there will be one less hate filled person in the world.

I did have one further idea, however. In the case of Mr. Breivik, he should be made to construct a memorial for the dead before his execution. Fitting justice, I think.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Need for a New World

I've always believed in a better world. I know that a perfect world is impossible, but a better world is always plausible. A world of complete control and yet, as much freedom as possible.

But as of recently, I've started to question if people are actually deserving of such a world.

Dr. King had a dream, and so do I. I dream of world where corporations serve the people and are heavily regulated and taxed. Where public schools are insitutions of learning, not places of brainwashing to keep the status quo. A world where religion is forbidden in politics and schools, but is freely used as a tool for people to better themselves. A world where someone is accepted for what they are. A world of true equality. A world with dignity. A world without political dictatorship. A world of science and technology, but still holding true to the human spirit. A world where peace is something that is not fought for, but a natural part of every day life. Where racism, sexism, discrimination, profit and fear does not exist. A world where the corrupt are brought to justice and people work for the system so that the system can work for them. A world without partisan politics, where there are no political parties and where the government does not keep secrets from it's people. A world where the media exposes truth and asks the real questions. A world where people are not kept in systematic fear of the unknown and what "might" happen. A world where instead of fist fights in the street, you have people debating philosophy. A world where work unions are not needed because employers are fair and don't abuse people. A world where natural resources are preserved and nature is kept in balance with human progress. A world where the Millitary is a civic duty to teach honor, dignity and respect for the world and the people in it, not a tool for enforcing the will of corrupt leaders. A world where our minds stay in step with our hearts.  But above all, a world that is fair, just and makes sense.

Maybe it's a pipe dream, I don't think so. I think it is entirely doable. It just takes hard work, common sense and real ethics.

But most of all, it takes chaos. Pure chaos.

That's right. Look at the Middle East. Revolts and chaos and now they have new leadership for the most part.

"For the world to have peace, it must be washed in the clensing fires". Remember that, my fellow readers. What it means, simply, is that we can't unite the world and bring humanity together until it is purged of the cancer that consumes it.

I believe that people have a civic duty to make sure that this comes to fruition. A duty that if any person(s) are standing in the way of social, civil and humanitarian progress that citizens not only have the right, but the need to remove these people from the road to a better world by any means necessary. People like Wisconsin Govenor Scott Walker, who is rigourously attacking the very people who hold up the country. Stephen Harper, whose agenda will turn Canada into a police state. Kim Jong-Il, whose facist regime in North Korea is the definition of pure evil. The left wing Communists in China who are terrible abusers of free speech and free press. Barack Obama, who can't lift a finger to do what he was elected to do and has become a puppet. And the dictators in Africa and the Middle East, they know who they are. Those are just some examples, but all of these people need to go. Anyone who has hatred. Anyone who views people as different. Anyone who promotes senseless and purposeless violence. Preferably they need to be put on trial for crimes against humanity, sentenced and executed or put to work for the benefit of society. But at the least they need to be barred from public life and forced to live in a remote cabin in the middle of no where.

Not to mention all the Corporate CEOs who want to privatize everything so they can profit as much as possible at the expense of everything else on this planet.

I've been saying that a revolution is coming. I guarantee it. I'm in contact with quite a few like minded people and we are working to see it happens. And it won't be a case of join us to survive, it will be a case of only those who believe in a better future will be allowed to be part of the better future. Everyone else, well, I am truly sorry for you. It's like religion. you either truly accept it or you don't. And those who don't are more than welcome to leave Earth to people like us who want a better future for our children and our children's children.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Faith in Humanity

I..... I have none left.

I used to believe that people could be reasoned with, I used to believe that the greater good could affect people to want to make the world a better, more peaceful place. Where people of every ethnicity and backgrounds and beliefs could live at least mostly in harmony (let's face it, there will always be some sort of conflict somewhere) and mostly in peace, striving for the bettering of the Human species and our civilization in general.

I used to believe there was a moral high ground, where people could meet and work out problems without resorting to pettiness and violence. I used to believe that people were worth saving. I used to believe that the ideal of a "better world" was  within reach, we just needed to try a bit harder.

I was wrong.

I remember exactly where I was on New Years Eve 1999, looking forward to the future with optimism and joy, bright eyed and ready for what was to come. Watching fireworks overlooking Canada Place in Vancouver, it was a sight. I was eager for the future, as was most of the world..............

and then the world changed. Over the course of the last ten years, Humanity has lost 50 or more years of social progress. We have devolved and it makes me cry. I love my people, my brothers and sisters on great mother Earth. I will never stop trying to make it a better world so we can move forward.  The problem is that there are so many in the world who are so filled with rage for no good reason anymore. They are angry for the sake of being angry. Sure you could trace the root cause to 9/11 and it wouldn't be far from accuarate. I'm not talking about the terrorist attacks, I'm talking about the fear mongering propogated by the right wing western governments afterwards.

It's come to the point where even the most basic citizen is full of fear and rage and won't listen to reason anymore and the religious leaders of the world are using that to have their own power grow at the expense of the people. religious brainwashing is at an all time high. People of all faiths claim to be persecuted by both believers of different faiths and those who don't believe in religion and Western society has not helped. The world has become a place where the money grubbing capitalist powerhouses can do whatever they want without a rule of law and religious leaders can proclaim themselves to be the "true voice" of their god and that everyone should do what they say and that anyone else evil and powered by the devil.

Normally this is where I'll start to suggest ways we can fix the problems and make the world a better place, but it would be a waste of my breath. Frankly, it's come to the point where the world is so bad, I don't think that most of it is WORTH saving. Humanity needs a fresh start, we need a chance to rebuild the world from scratch. The nuclear warheads need to be launched with the hope that the people who actually want to improve the world will survive.

Listen up Humanity, you have failed as a race and failed as a civilization. The clensing fires must burn and many will die. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Bare the guilt with shame, for you brought this upon yourself.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I must apologize, I would have covered the recent Canadian Federal Election, but I was unable to access my computer and therefore, my blog. Damned technology.

I must say though, for the 25-30% of the country who actually voted for that douchebag, I hope you realize what kind of monster you have given full authority to and what he will do with such a great nation. I hope you realize what you have done. If not, well then I hope you can understand it eventually.

Friday, March 18, 2011


The year is 2027. The US has been devestated by a tactical EMP and then a millitary invasion by the United Korea which controls the Eastern US up to the Mississippi river, which has been contaminated. New Orleans is a dead zone and the Korean People's Army rules with brutal force. The US Millitary is fractured and in chaos. In the East, members of resistance cells fight back against their oppressors. With hit and run tactics, they seek to end the oppression.

Homefront is the latest from Kaos studios and published by THQ.  It's an FPS set in heartland America after the millitary invasion of the United States by The United Korea. On the surface, it seems like almost a garden variety shooter. Run and gun, shoot em up kind of thing. But below that, Kaos has created something quite interesting.

Thanks to the help of the writer for both Red Dawn and Apocalypse Now, Homefront paints a bleak picture of a future America that is ravaged and eve the most basic of needs is scarce and the enemy controls every facet of life. One thing that really sets the game apart is the locations and battlefields. Where most shooters will be set in a massive battlefield, or a burned out city. Homefront takes place, for the most part, in backyards and cul-de-sacs. In neighborhoods that are not easily recognizable and familier, yet unknown. You'll fight KPA soliders though playgrounds and streets, fighting to regain your homeland. And beyond that you'll find yourself up against American Survivalists. The story is amazing. The locations of exquisit. The downside is that the story is quite short, only 7 missions. But they are long missions, for sure. Still, I finished it while I did feel sated, I felt myself yearning for more. I certainly hope Kaos builds on it and develops a sequel.

You take control of a former USMC pilot by the name of Robert Jacobs. And that is all that is told about the character. You never see your face. You never hear your voice. But you, as the player, will feel connected to the character quite quickly. You are teamed with three other characters, Conner Morgan, Rianna and Hopper.

Kaos does many things right with this game. Chief among them, is the AI. They are ruthless and well coordinated for the most part. But they do switch it up and become annoyingly redundant at other times (especially after you've been killed 20 times trying to get through the same 5 minutes). The switch up in tactics has the effect of keeping you on your toes through the game.

Overall, Kaos does an amazing job of making something truly spectacular. It may not be groundbreaking, but the story makes up for any lack of real originality in gameplay.

9 out of 10. Amazing, but lacking in story length.

Home. Home is where the war is.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Quick Note...

...To everyone who is saying that the Japanese Tsunami disaster is payback for Pearl Harbour. First, fuck off. Second, Pearl got hit with the Tsunami as well. Third, you're a dreg of humanity and unwelcome in the world. Please go die.

My thoughts go out to the Japanese people and all those that have died. May you rest in peace. I wish the survivors a speedy recovery for them and their country.

Battle: Los Angeles review

As with all my reviews, this WILL contain spoilers. I will try my best to limit them, but I cannot filter them all out.

Battle: Los Angeles was released March 11/2011
Aaron Eckhart as Marine Staff Sergeant Michael Nantz
Michelle Rodriguez as USAF Technical Sergeant Elena Santos
Ramón Rodríguez as Marine 2nd Lieutenant William Martinez
Ne-Yo as Corporal Kevin Harris
Michael Peña as Joe Rincon

It chronicles the invasion of Earth by a hostile alien force and a squad of USMC soliders in LA who have been ordered into the fray to rescue civilians who have been trapped behind enemy lines.With time running out before a massive operation, they must fight their way through an unknown enemy and then back to base.

I like this movie, quite a bit. It may not have been the best written or the most well directed and probably won't win any Oscars, but all the same, it was a damn good movie. You don't have to be a hardcore video gamer to enjoy it, but it does help if you like millitary style video games.

Aaron Eckhart plays Staff Sgt. Nantz, a combat verteran from Afghanistan who lost his entire last unit and holds onto that throughout the entire movie, while some of the other Marines question why he is still on active duty. He still has demons about his last tour and that shows in his character. Eckhart does a good job of portraying a man that feels he has lost everything. He is convincing and captures the emotions very well.

The other Marines I didn't feel had the same mentallity. They seemed to be more a gang of recruits than a honed infantry unit. They spoke and reacted as though they were on their first day. The one I really bought was Ramón Rodríguez as Lieutenant Martinez. His character was supposed to be a green officer. Fresh out of officer training and he did react as such. Constantly panicking and questioning what had to be done. He did that part very well. I don't want to call the characters cut and paste or cookie cutter, because that would be inacurrate. But at the same time, the characters do feel as if they are brought from a box of cliches. In the context of this movie, it's not actually a bad thing. Because of the absolute cliche that the movie is, it makes sense to have cliche characters. To make it different would have been a mistake, I believe.

Little is shown about the invaders, aside from a few interesting shots. No real reason beyond what people assume is given for their presence on Earth. A lot of educated guesses are made and a very obvious reason is made clear, but we can't know 100% for sure because we never see anything from the invader's point of view Almost no option of diplomacy is offered, except for one small part, but it is more done in jest. Still, I think that is for the best. When a hostile force comes in and starts shooting, they probably aren't going to be interested in talking. So by removing that element, the movie is streamlined and moves forward quickly.

The only real bit we get to see about the aliens is when the Marines manage to capture one about a third of the way through the film. Even then, we don't get to see much and what we do see is fast paced and blurry. It would have served the director well to slow down and pull the camera back a bit for that part.

All in all, a good movie. Just remember to turn your brain off before you go and see it. And if you happen to like first person shooter video games, all the better. 8/10

And speaking of video games, Saber Interactive developed a tie in video game to the film. I have played through some of it and it is your garden variety shooter. Using comic strips to narrate the cutscenes, it moves along quite quickly. Not bad for what looks like a very low budget game. It is available on STEAM for $9.99

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Note to Doomsayers

A little tip if you are going to go around and tell people that the end of world is coming. Pick a day where something is actually going to happen. Like March 19th, when the moon is going to be the closest it has been in 18 years. Rather than some random day in another part of the year where no supernatural events are scheduled. People are much more likely to believe you then.

I'm just sayin is all.

I'm sure the deity at the universal events planning desk will understand.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I love how Ubisoft tries to justify their use of over the top DRM (Digital Rights Management) software. They say that it "protects their product from pirates". They say other things too, but it all goes back to that.

Amazing how simple a lie, eh?

Ubisoft has come under much fire from gamers and the gaming community for it's paranoid and OCD use of DRM software. Quite a few of their games are so controlled that the gamer must maintain a constant internet connection in order to be allowed to play the game, so that Ubisoft servers can validate the software that it is authentic and legally purchased.

it is a load of bull crap.

Aside from a few mentions, most of the people I know pirate Ubisoft games for this reason. The company then goes out and says that "It's their fault! Look they pirated it and we have to protect our money, I mean games" When they don't understand that by putting in such DRM software and making it so much of a headfuck to actually play the game, that they drive people away from wanting the games themselves and that people will gladly pirate a copy to avoid having to jump through the 353 or so hoops just to be able to play their legally purchased copy. Frankly, I do not blame them.

Now, on the one hand, I'm not really supportive of piracy. I believe that if a developer takes the time to make a great game, that they should not have to stand their product being stolen and used with no reward for such a good title.

On the other hand, I support piracy, especially with Ubisoft games, because if a company is going to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make it hard for and basically say "fuck you" to it's loyal customers, just so they hope to discourage a few piraters and make a few extra bucks, then I say, Pirate away, maties.

As I've said time and time again, the best way to combat piracy is to lower the prices on the games and not make it so that the gamer has to jump through endlessly frustrating hoops to enjoy a game. By the time they get to the game, it's not fun from all the frustration.

STEAM does DRM very well. They don't fuck people over and they respect their customers. Ubisoft does not. I say boycott them. Maybe when none of their games sell, they will finally learn.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Free Speech and Children

An article recently came to light that was the inspiration for the this post. A blog post done by a teacher in the States that criticized her students for being "lazy whiners". She was suspended from her job when a student from her school stumbled onto the posting and began to spread it. It, of course, eventually found it's way into the hands of school administrators, who were quick to suspend her, pending an investigation.

(now, I realize it was a while ago, but I've been too busy and tired to do any writing. So I'm getting to it now)

Now, she has received much support from all corners, especially other teachers, who praise her for finally saying something about the type of students they all have to deal with on a daily basis. She has, however, received much criticism from parents about bad mouthing their kids and how she should be "fired and barred from teaching until she can keep her mouth shut"

okay, seriously?

Now, this is a delicate issue. On the one hand, is she justified under the freedom of speech or is she using the internet for direct slander? You will not find a certain answer, so here is my opinion.

While I grant that Mrs. Munroe may have been a bit over the top in her comments, she in no way infringed on free speech. She was well within her rights to post such an article. If she had named specific students, that would been a different story. It is remarkable that in this day and age, students can speak back, insult and curse at their teachers and educators and receive no punishment, but when a teacher who is well within her rights to speak out at students everywhere, sparks a media frenzy and could end up loosing her job. I am no supporter of internet slander, but in this case, it is a necessity.

The real problem lies with the student's parents. They send their children to school and are unwilling to listen when the teacher tells them that their child is not doing well and is behaving in a manner unsuited to a civilized person. Sure, you can shuff it aside and say "It's just a thing that kids today do" but I don't believe that. It is time that students learn that if you speak out in such a manner against a person of authority that there are consquences. Mostly, parents don't want to hear that their "darling angel of a child" is capable of wrong doing and being an insenstive BRAT. But they need to hear it. And they need to start taking action.  Now, I know I am not qualified to give parental advice or anything along that subject, so I will refrain from giving that advice, but I think that if people started properly communicating more and understanding how it all works, we may be able to improve the system.

What do you think? Was she justified under the articles of free speech in making a statement about schools and students today? OR was she making a angry slander against innocent children?


Monday, January 31, 2011

economic systems

Now, normally I'm one of the first people to dismiss economics as worthless and frankly, it is. But as I was at work the other day, I came up with an idea for a new system, that allows for currency to exist, but eliminates private capital and hording of finances. Simply put:

There are no private banks. Just one government account with the entire world's finances (so trillions of currency units). Everyone who works has a debit card that access to that account. Ergo eliminating private funds and private capital. How it works is that as people work, they earn access to the account through their card. So say if someone works 23 hours in a week at 10cu (currency unit) an hour, at the end of the week, they get access to 230cu permanently. Which they can have access to until they spend it. Simple as that. People can access the account through their debit cards anywhere, there is no longer any paper or coin based currency, just digital.

How it works is that when people earn their cu, they spend it. All that they spend at a business is put back into the government account and then once again, paid to the people who earn it, based on the work they do that is of value to society.

What this system does is eliminate so-called "private money" so that people can be on more even ground when it comes to finances and there are only classes based on the work people do. It's that simple.

Thoughts anyone?

the thing is, this would be only possible under a few circumstances, 1) a one world government. 2) backup power generation for at least this system.

and again, it's a theoretical idea. One obviously not possible with the greed of this world.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

3D movies

First off, in the litteral terms, these movies are NOT Three Dimensional, they are mearly "enhanced" Two Dimensional films although it doesn't sound as catchy, I admit, but it's more accurate. To be accuratly called "3-D" it would have to a viable three-dimensional projection, not a slightly enhanced two-dimensional image which these are. It should be like what exists in Star Wars and Star Trek.

Just another fad of the masses. The latest technology (technology revival, actually) and frankly, it should have stayed dead until it was perfected. 3D as it is now, is amazingly useless (I haven't played the Nintendo 3DS yet, so not talking about that). It causes damage to people's eyes and brains, which includes dizzyness and migranes. I wouldn't be surprised if it was causing major long term damage to people. The Red/Blue effect can't always be interpreted by people's brains and that causes harm.

The main thing is that unless the film is made "SPECIFICALLY" for the E2D effect, it just does not work properly. Like those IMAX documentaries years back that had E2D, those were good and amazing. Because they were made with the technology in mind, not just tacked on and shoved down our throats as the latest Hollywood fad.

Now, I realize it is here to stay, unfortunate as that may be. At the VERY least, theatres should offer movies in both 2D and E2D, to satisfy a larger market. I would love the convenience of not having to wear those damned glasses whenever I go see a movie, and I think a lot of people would agree with me on that. I mean, if I want to go see a film at a theatre, why should I be forced to see it in a way that I do not want to?

OF course I realize that some will respond to that with "Well, you don't have to go see movies at the theatre then blah blah blah" and that's true. I don't have to. But I like to. It's enjoyable and fun and it is so annoying that I am having to pay extra money for an experience I don't want. They should offer both 2D and E2D, then as many people are happy as possible. simple.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Usefulness (or lack thereof) of Post Secondary Education

Now, I'm not saying College or University is a BAD thing, but just not completely necessary.

A recent study that was released said that just under half of University students don't improve as far as critical thinking, reasoning and writing skills. Young adults spend thousands of dollars, borrow hundreds more from their parents and then take out risky loans for thousands of more dollars to gamble at the chance that it will lead to a better future and a successful career. For many, it doesn't and that's the main reason I myself have not attended a post-secondary institution. Many students find out half way through that they are no longer interested in what they originally picked and decide to change courses, leading to more financial woes and even longer before they get out into the workforce. And all that time they are devoting a lot of time to their studies and not working much and ergo not earning much to pay off their debts. Socializing takes up a lot of time and students spend a lot of study time being with their friends.

Now, I'm speaking on average here, not every student turns out like this, many go on to be successful in their lives. But for many it doesn't work and those people end up paying the price for the rest of their lives, spending the rest of their lives in mediocracy trying to pay their debts.

Further studies have shown that people who go from school into the workforce may not earn more per hour in their jobs, but they end up having more spending money while those who attend Univ are spending all their money paying down school debts. Again, not always the case, but not uncommon either.

The simple fact is that we need to lift this illusion that going to College or University is the only way to be successful in life. I mean if you want to be a lawyer or a doctor or work in government then yea, you should go to PS. Otherwise, it's not terribly neccesary.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Video Game studies

There seems to be a fairly obvious pattern when it comes to video game studies and how they effect people, mainly kids and teens. It seems to me that a new one will come out every month or two and will be basically the opposite of the last one. One comes out that says something to the extent of "Oh, video games don't have many downside effects to them at all. Our study proved that" and then the next one will come out saying "Video games have serious health effects and children should be banned from using them or they will become braindead morons and fail at life completely" and then after that another one will be released saying "Well, despite some minor effects like insomia and mild headaches, there are very few issues to be had with playing video games and none of them are of real consequence"

Okay, first, seriously? I mean, it's like there is a organization of people who do all these studies and rebrand them every month or so. It's sending mixed messages and it's going to leave people with more questions then answers and really won't get to the issue. Then again, if you ask me, the issue itself is a media manipulation to control people more. It's sad and not giving truth to anyone. What kicks it is that the people who are the focuses of the studies are at both ends of the extremes. Either exteremely addicted gamers who spend every waking second playing or casual gamers who rarely play, but are playing more just for the sake of the "studies"

This needs to stop.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The issue with ISPs

I read an article today that was talking about the fact that Canadian internet rates are going to be increasing over the next year.
Frankly, it proves my point about everything that is wrong with Capitalism. About how those with resources that are being needed for many points of modern life are being horded by those who have absolute power and people who cannot afford, yet are needing it, have to basically sell their bodies to pay for it. What it is, is greed at it's worst and more ways to try and control the internet as a whole. By charging as much as they can they are going to drive customers away and end up loosing money in the long run. It shows a not surprising lack of intelligence among Corporate CEOs who apparently need more money for their solid gold whores and diamond encrusted mansions.

It is going to hurt people more than it would do any amount of good, and they can't see it so they will continue to exploit the working class, most of whom can't even make ends meet. Internet usage will be the first service people get rid of and all that money will vanish. Another reason that a revolution needs to happen and capitalism needs to be abandoned. Then maybe people can start actually caring about each other and about the world around them then just about money and personal greed.

One of the issues with Rogers and Bell and Shaw and Telus is that they use their size to prevent any small companies from starting up and those that do are muscled out by outrageous fees and charges which they have no choice but to pass on to the customer. It is a cycle, but a cycle that can be broken.

People need to stand up to these big bullies we have named "corporations" and only then will they realize that they can't walk over everyone and get away with it and the best ones to start with are internet providers because even though they only make up a small part of captalist corruption, their fall will serve as a warning to the larger corporations as to what will happen if you fall out of public favour.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I'm back

After some time with being icogneto on this blog and in question about it's future I have decided to come back and begin ranting and reviewing again. So, I'll try to update as often as I have something to say.

sorry for the long interval. Happy reading.