A page of Star Wars, Politics, Culture, video games, ideas, science, complaints, movies and humor. Not necessarily in that order. Updated whenever I have something to say, no sooner.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Faith in Humanity

I..... I have none left.

I used to believe that people could be reasoned with, I used to believe that the greater good could affect people to want to make the world a better, more peaceful place. Where people of every ethnicity and backgrounds and beliefs could live at least mostly in harmony (let's face it, there will always be some sort of conflict somewhere) and mostly in peace, striving for the bettering of the Human species and our civilization in general.

I used to believe there was a moral high ground, where people could meet and work out problems without resorting to pettiness and violence. I used to believe that people were worth saving. I used to believe that the ideal of a "better world" was  within reach, we just needed to try a bit harder.

I was wrong.

I remember exactly where I was on New Years Eve 1999, looking forward to the future with optimism and joy, bright eyed and ready for what was to come. Watching fireworks overlooking Canada Place in Vancouver, it was a sight. I was eager for the future, as was most of the world..............

and then the world changed. Over the course of the last ten years, Humanity has lost 50 or more years of social progress. We have devolved and it makes me cry. I love my people, my brothers and sisters on great mother Earth. I will never stop trying to make it a better world so we can move forward.  The problem is that there are so many in the world who are so filled with rage for no good reason anymore. They are angry for the sake of being angry. Sure you could trace the root cause to 9/11 and it wouldn't be far from accuarate. I'm not talking about the terrorist attacks, I'm talking about the fear mongering propogated by the right wing western governments afterwards.

It's come to the point where even the most basic citizen is full of fear and rage and won't listen to reason anymore and the religious leaders of the world are using that to have their own power grow at the expense of the people. religious brainwashing is at an all time high. People of all faiths claim to be persecuted by both believers of different faiths and those who don't believe in religion and Western society has not helped. The world has become a place where the money grubbing capitalist powerhouses can do whatever they want without a rule of law and religious leaders can proclaim themselves to be the "true voice" of their god and that everyone should do what they say and that anyone else evil and powered by the devil.

Normally this is where I'll start to suggest ways we can fix the problems and make the world a better place, but it would be a waste of my breath. Frankly, it's come to the point where the world is so bad, I don't think that most of it is WORTH saving. Humanity needs a fresh start, we need a chance to rebuild the world from scratch. The nuclear warheads need to be launched with the hope that the people who actually want to improve the world will survive.

Listen up Humanity, you have failed as a race and failed as a civilization. The clensing fires must burn and many will die. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Bare the guilt with shame, for you brought this upon yourself.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I must apologize, I would have covered the recent Canadian Federal Election, but I was unable to access my computer and therefore, my blog. Damned technology.

I must say though, for the 25-30% of the country who actually voted for that douchebag, I hope you realize what kind of monster you have given full authority to and what he will do with such a great nation. I hope you realize what you have done. If not, well then I hope you can understand it eventually.