A page of Star Wars, Politics, Culture, video games, ideas, science, complaints, movies and humor. Not necessarily in that order. Updated whenever I have something to say, no sooner.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Video Game studies

There seems to be a fairly obvious pattern when it comes to video game studies and how they effect people, mainly kids and teens. It seems to me that a new one will come out every month or two and will be basically the opposite of the last one. One comes out that says something to the extent of "Oh, video games don't have many downside effects to them at all. Our study proved that" and then the next one will come out saying "Video games have serious health effects and children should be banned from using them or they will become braindead morons and fail at life completely" and then after that another one will be released saying "Well, despite some minor effects like insomia and mild headaches, there are very few issues to be had with playing video games and none of them are of real consequence"

Okay, first, seriously? I mean, it's like there is a organization of people who do all these studies and rebrand them every month or so. It's sending mixed messages and it's going to leave people with more questions then answers and really won't get to the issue. Then again, if you ask me, the issue itself is a media manipulation to control people more. It's sad and not giving truth to anyone. What kicks it is that the people who are the focuses of the studies are at both ends of the extremes. Either exteremely addicted gamers who spend every waking second playing or casual gamers who rarely play, but are playing more just for the sake of the "studies"

This needs to stop.

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