A page of Star Wars, Politics, Culture, video games, ideas, science, complaints, movies and humor. Not necessarily in that order. Updated whenever I have something to say, no sooner.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Game Review - Beat Hazard (2010)

I just found this game and decided to play a few rounds.

Holy crap. It was the most trippy thing I have ever played. It goes through your music files and you can select tracks to play too. It's like Rock Band or Guitar Hero or even DJ Hero, but you know, ACTUALLY GOOD, which was suprising, and not unpleasant.

the gameplay is fairly simple, it plays like Asteroids and those kind of "top down" shooter games, but adds in the whole music element which adds in a whole new element of awesome.

It looks simple. and it is. W A S D and a mouse is all that is needed (well, music tracks too, I suppose). And the filesize is small, but amazingly impressive. The game comes with several tracks built in, but you can also mess around and do really crazy stuff like this:


Go out and get this game. Now. If you don't, you are the most lame person on the planet.
^if you are too cheap to buy it.

1 comment:

  1. HA! i was at a blokes place the other night .. that game is trippy as balls
