A page of Star Wars, Politics, Culture, video games, ideas, science, complaints, movies and humor. Not necessarily in that order. Updated whenever I have something to say, no sooner.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Usefulness (or lack thereof) of Post Secondary Education

Now, I'm not saying College or University is a BAD thing, but just not completely necessary.

A recent study that was released said that just under half of University students don't improve as far as critical thinking, reasoning and writing skills. Young adults spend thousands of dollars, borrow hundreds more from their parents and then take out risky loans for thousands of more dollars to gamble at the chance that it will lead to a better future and a successful career. For many, it doesn't and that's the main reason I myself have not attended a post-secondary institution. Many students find out half way through that they are no longer interested in what they originally picked and decide to change courses, leading to more financial woes and even longer before they get out into the workforce. And all that time they are devoting a lot of time to their studies and not working much and ergo not earning much to pay off their debts. Socializing takes up a lot of time and students spend a lot of study time being with their friends.

Now, I'm speaking on average here, not every student turns out like this, many go on to be successful in their lives. But for many it doesn't work and those people end up paying the price for the rest of their lives, spending the rest of their lives in mediocracy trying to pay their debts.

Further studies have shown that people who go from school into the workforce may not earn more per hour in their jobs, but they end up having more spending money while those who attend Univ are spending all their money paying down school debts. Again, not always the case, but not uncommon either.

The simple fact is that we need to lift this illusion that going to College or University is the only way to be successful in life. I mean if you want to be a lawyer or a doctor or work in government then yea, you should go to PS. Otherwise, it's not terribly neccesary.

1 comment:

  1. I did a certification course thingy which my me my A+ and MCP and guess what I got the EXACT same job as if I went to uni for 3 years ... nuff said lol
