A page of Star Wars, Politics, Culture, video games, ideas, science, complaints, movies and humor. Not necessarily in that order. Updated whenever I have something to say, no sooner.

Monday, January 31, 2011

economic systems

Now, normally I'm one of the first people to dismiss economics as worthless and frankly, it is. But as I was at work the other day, I came up with an idea for a new system, that allows for currency to exist, but eliminates private capital and hording of finances. Simply put:

There are no private banks. Just one government account with the entire world's finances (so trillions of currency units). Everyone who works has a debit card that access to that account. Ergo eliminating private funds and private capital. How it works is that as people work, they earn access to the account through their card. So say if someone works 23 hours in a week at 10cu (currency unit) an hour, at the end of the week, they get access to 230cu permanently. Which they can have access to until they spend it. Simple as that. People can access the account through their debit cards anywhere, there is no longer any paper or coin based currency, just digital.

How it works is that when people earn their cu, they spend it. All that they spend at a business is put back into the government account and then once again, paid to the people who earn it, based on the work they do that is of value to society.

What this system does is eliminate so-called "private money" so that people can be on more even ground when it comes to finances and there are only classes based on the work people do. It's that simple.

Thoughts anyone?

the thing is, this would be only possible under a few circumstances, 1) a one world government. 2) backup power generation for at least this system.

and again, it's a theoretical idea. One obviously not possible with the greed of this world.


  1. likw any thing it will be corruptable .... Also value need to be established gold use to be the standard fpr value for a nations dollar now it tends to rely on things like the usd and so forth .... The problem is when there is limited reasources and as a result we live in what is known as a scarcity society.... The federation in star trek since they use replicators to produce all the basic needs and materials they live in what is called a post scarcity society and therefore they do not need an economy

  2. I don't believe that a one world government can work, for reasons based on the inherent nature of humanity, for the sheer volume and power a single entity would have to hold to control the finances of the world, and because I don't hold with banks in general. We can use trade, barter, and other methods between people, we don't need a parent state. Let's take personal responsibility for taking care of ourselves. Your grudge against a class based system might be leading you towards forms of society which through uniformity, become totalitarian.
