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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mafia 2 demo

I just finished playing the Mafia 2 demo. It was basically what I had expected, Set in 1950s USA, the game featured one mission that showed off most of the key parts of the game - driving, shooting and most of the mechanics.

You start off playing Vito, an Italian immigrant trying grab a slice of the cake that is the "American dream". The mission that you are given is basically a hit mission and it shows off several of the game systems. You get to use a small variety of weapons, and I have a feeling that the small variety isn't going to change. Over the course of the demo, you use a wall-mounted machine gun and then you have your fists as well as a 9mm pistol, shotgun and the infamous gangster "Tommy Gun" Thompson Submachine gun. As well as you have to drive through bits of the city. Now, the driving bit is where I noticed the hardest part of the game. And while I won't say too much, I will say that it does need some tweaking, but I think by now 2K Czech is well beyond that. Either that, or the cars really do handle like 1950's Chevy autos.

I'm not sure which I would prefer....

All in all, the game is amazingly well done, so far anyway.

Also, I got enough into it that I had to bribe a cop. I didn't see that coming.

The demo is now available on Playstation Network, Xbox Live Marketplace and Steam. I highly recommend downloading it.

The real downside is that you only get 10 minutes ingame play, which is just enough time to finish the mission or play around. Your choice.

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