A page of Star Wars, Politics, Culture, video games, ideas, science, complaints, movies and humor. Not necessarily in that order. Updated whenever I have something to say, no sooner.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Battlefield 3

My mind has been officially scattered all over the wall. I just watched the Battlefield 3 Caspian Border Multiplayer trailer and holy crap is it amazing. It once again proves how much of an edge EA and DICE has over Activision and Infinity Ward and their Call of Duty series.

If I were them, I'd start toning down the hype on MW3 cause there is no way they can match this. I might even have to rebuild my entire computer just to play BF3. Something I will do gladly.

Seriously, I nearly had a spaz attack when I watched this.

(on a side note, you shouldn't watch if you have epilepsy or are allergic to awesomesauce)
and Lolz @ 1:34. Watch and you'll see what I mean.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pure Disgust.

First off, thanks to Blag Hag for mentioning this.

I would also like to note that my personal preference about whether or not the WTC cross should or should not be put up has no impact on this blog. Those who know me know my position.

We all know that FOX News is the breeding ground on nonsensical crazy. That's just a plain fact. But after American Atheists Communications Director Blair Scott appeared to defend their lawsuit about how they believe the cross should not be put up without equal representation of all religions affected in the 9/11 tragedy, well, Christian extremists took to FOX News Facebook page with an outpouring of hate and rage as can be seen here.

Taking the step to suggest that they should be "Nailed to a cross in the manner that jesus was claimed to have been tortured, rammed through the chest with a spear in full public view". That's just not right!

This is not online commentary. This is inceitment of violence and threats of physical harm. I believe freedom of speech ends when harm is threatened. This goes beyond all that. This is people advocating and supporting that someone walk into the homes of the group's members with a 12-gauge shotgun.
Or advocating rape.
Point is, these are not people expressing personal opinions, they are expressing a desire for physical harm against another human being. For no other reason than a difference of opinion. Indeed this is where freedom of speech must bow down to rule of law. These people have made their desires clear.

Frankly, I am horribly disgusted. Cyber bullying is still a criminal act regardless if it is pointed at a specific person or a group of people.

While these people have had their full names provided to us, I urge restraint from going to their pages and harassing them. That's not the way to deal with this.

I do suggest, however, reporting a tip with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and if you feel the need, the U.S. Department of Education. Because their spelling and grammar are, after all, atrocious.

But seriously, a tip to the FBI would be a good start. Get these people on the grid. If they want to spew hatred, show them the cost.