A page of Star Wars, Politics, Culture, video games, ideas, science, complaints, movies and humor. Not necessarily in that order. Updated whenever I have something to say, no sooner.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Need for a New World

I've always believed in a better world. I know that a perfect world is impossible, but a better world is always plausible. A world of complete control and yet, as much freedom as possible.

But as of recently, I've started to question if people are actually deserving of such a world.

Dr. King had a dream, and so do I. I dream of world where corporations serve the people and are heavily regulated and taxed. Where public schools are insitutions of learning, not places of brainwashing to keep the status quo. A world where religion is forbidden in politics and schools, but is freely used as a tool for people to better themselves. A world where someone is accepted for what they are. A world of true equality. A world with dignity. A world without political dictatorship. A world of science and technology, but still holding true to the human spirit. A world where peace is something that is not fought for, but a natural part of every day life. Where racism, sexism, discrimination, profit and fear does not exist. A world where the corrupt are brought to justice and people work for the system so that the system can work for them. A world without partisan politics, where there are no political parties and where the government does not keep secrets from it's people. A world where the media exposes truth and asks the real questions. A world where people are not kept in systematic fear of the unknown and what "might" happen. A world where instead of fist fights in the street, you have people debating philosophy. A world where work unions are not needed because employers are fair and don't abuse people. A world where natural resources are preserved and nature is kept in balance with human progress. A world where the Millitary is a civic duty to teach honor, dignity and respect for the world and the people in it, not a tool for enforcing the will of corrupt leaders. A world where our minds stay in step with our hearts.  But above all, a world that is fair, just and makes sense.

Maybe it's a pipe dream, I don't think so. I think it is entirely doable. It just takes hard work, common sense and real ethics.

But most of all, it takes chaos. Pure chaos.

That's right. Look at the Middle East. Revolts and chaos and now they have new leadership for the most part.

"For the world to have peace, it must be washed in the clensing fires". Remember that, my fellow readers. What it means, simply, is that we can't unite the world and bring humanity together until it is purged of the cancer that consumes it.

I believe that people have a civic duty to make sure that this comes to fruition. A duty that if any person(s) are standing in the way of social, civil and humanitarian progress that citizens not only have the right, but the need to remove these people from the road to a better world by any means necessary. People like Wisconsin Govenor Scott Walker, who is rigourously attacking the very people who hold up the country. Stephen Harper, whose agenda will turn Canada into a police state. Kim Jong-Il, whose facist regime in North Korea is the definition of pure evil. The left wing Communists in China who are terrible abusers of free speech and free press. Barack Obama, who can't lift a finger to do what he was elected to do and has become a puppet. And the dictators in Africa and the Middle East, they know who they are. Those are just some examples, but all of these people need to go. Anyone who has hatred. Anyone who views people as different. Anyone who promotes senseless and purposeless violence. Preferably they need to be put on trial for crimes against humanity, sentenced and executed or put to work for the benefit of society. But at the least they need to be barred from public life and forced to live in a remote cabin in the middle of no where.

Not to mention all the Corporate CEOs who want to privatize everything so they can profit as much as possible at the expense of everything else on this planet.

I've been saying that a revolution is coming. I guarantee it. I'm in contact with quite a few like minded people and we are working to see it happens. And it won't be a case of join us to survive, it will be a case of only those who believe in a better future will be allowed to be part of the better future. Everyone else, well, I am truly sorry for you. It's like religion. you either truly accept it or you don't. And those who don't are more than welcome to leave Earth to people like us who want a better future for our children and our children's children.